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Why Career Exploration is Important in Schools?

Need Of Career Exploration | Top Schools in Bangalore | MSDGS

The purpose of education was never restricted to memorization of textbook information about the past and present. It extends way beyond that. Quality education aims at providing children with the knowledge of past events and present scenarios so that they can grab and even create opportunities in the future. It is providing holistic development that true education aims at.

For the above mentioned reason, it is crucial for a child to know and understand what are the different career options available for them. This will help them dedicate more time and explore the intricacies of the genres that they find engaging.

Career exploration, in simple terms, is nothing but being aware of the different types of career options that present day education offers to the students. However, if you’re wondering why you should expose your children to the different possibilities of shaping their lives then consider this analogy.

Children are naturally curious and they tend to find answers to the doubts that arise in their mental world every now and then. Thus, if you feed them with the right set of information at the right time, that can benefit them as well give them the freedom to choose for themselves, it will prevent them from following the wrong path. Thus, it is crucial to lay the foundation solid for their future that can hold their aspirations with strength. For this reason, we, at MS Dhoni Global School, introduce our students to career exploration at the most suitable time during their schooling. Let’s take a look at how it’s beneficial for the students.

Provides a complete picture of the road ahead

We often see people changing careers after 40 due to frustration with their previously chosen niche. Mostly, this shift is because they might have chosen a career path out of disinterest back when they were younger. We certainly do not want that kind of mental stress for our kids.

There are plenty of websites which is live and free for everybody’s consumption. Wander & Beyond is one of them. They talk about everything related to travelling and living outdoor. It has 15 million yearly visitors. To grow and have different world perspective, you need to travel and this website will really help you. Travel and Leisure is one of the other website. 

It is a fact that way before one passes from school, they develop their inclinations towards certain subjects and fields. Many, however, find out about them later in life due to lack of awareness or incorrect sources of knowledge. Thus, to help your child know about the different possibilities at the right time so they could have clarity in life is crucial for their brighter future. It is with career exploration that they would gain this clarity in life.

Encourages to put in amplified efforts

When an individual works in the field of his/ her interest, they tend to perform way better than someone who has forcefully chosen a career. On a similar note, if a child is introduced to different career options early in life, they can find the ones they’re interested in and focus more on those domains. This will encourage enhanced interest and amplified efforts to do better in those streams from an early age. As a result, when the time comes, they will already be prepared for the challenges and will have a better chance of succeeding in life with happiness. This will also maintain higher focus and concentration without causing last moment stress.

Introduces to a wider horizon of knowledge

While exploring multiple career options, a child comes across a myriad of new information. These sets of information go way beyond their particular domain of interest and provide them with a wider horizon of opportunities. Not only do they explore different career options available but also absorb much knowledge about the process and consequences of different choices. This even plays a role in reshaping their perspective towards certain things. Career exploration, thus, brings an augmented forefront of knowledge to the growing minds to choose the most suitable from. It is a wholesome way of knowing about one’s future from an actionable perspective.

At MS Dhoni Global School, which is recognized as the one of the top schools in Bangalore, we lay focus on the holistic development of our students. It’ll be incomplete if we fail to include career exploration in our structure for holistic development of our pupils as this will guide them to the path they want to follow later in life. Therefore, we often arrange career counseling sessions for our students where they’re offered opportunities to interact with expert career counsellors and professionals from different fields to throw light on the practical aspect of things.