8 Ways To Teach Kids Self-discipline Skills
Best School in HSR Layout | MS Dhoni Global School Bangalore
Regardless of your preferred way of disciplining your child, the final aim of parenting is to make your child self-disciplined. 8 Ways to Teach Kids Self-Discipline Skills
Self-discipline helps in keeping kids away or at least delaying gratification. It works as a resistance for unhealthy temptations, and helps tolerate the discomfort that is needed to achieve long-term goals. Whether it is turning off the television to complete homework or simply not pouncing on the plate of delicacies when no one’s looking, self-discipline is the way through which kids evolve as responsible adults.
To develop self-discipline in children, certain skills need to be taught to them. Besides that, kids should also be given the opportunity to practice making the right choices to exercise their self-discipline.
Structure their days
The importance of structure in our lives is indispensable especially when it comes to growing kids. It is necessary to set a fixed order of activities that need to be done by them every day. For example, combing their hair after bathing, cleaning their room before going for a bath, etc.
Overtime, these structured everyday activities will be deeply absorbed by them as a routine and slowly they will begin to do them without your interference.
Feed their curiosity right
While on the parenting train, we often tend to shut the curiosity of our kids. That’s not a healthy practice. Their curiosity is the key to their growth. It is thus necessary to feed their curiosity with the right answers. Of course, it will get annoying at times but that will help them grow.
When you set certain rules for your child, explain the reason behind those rules. Do not make them feel like they must do it out of the fear of being scolded later.
Define the consequences
There’s no better teacher than life’s natural consequences. Punishments in the form of consequences can be a great way to build good habits and develop self-discipline in children. For instance, if a child keeps forgetting his stationary box in school, let him go to school without it for a day. Let him face the consequences.
This will make them more aware and thus facilitate development of self-discipline.
Mould their behaviour in steps
It takes years for us adults to master skills, how can we expect children to become self-disciplined in a day. Shape their habits and behaviours in easy to grasp and remember steps that will eventually show up naturally.
For example, don’t expect a five year old to do his entire morning routine all by himself just because you taught him consciously for a week. Instead, you can stick a picture description in his room as to what he needs to do first thing in the morning and what may follow.
Praise when they do good
It is extremely important to provide positive attention and appreciation to the good behaviour of children. Not only does it encourage them but also reiterates the need to keep at it.
Stress on the good thing or the act of self-discipline they did that impressed you. Be honest with them. For example, if they organized their toys or bed, praise them on that and even try to compliment the little innovation they did while doing. This is because there’s a high chance that kids won’t exactly do what you expect them to do, they tend to use their imagination and innovate things.
Teach problem-solving skills
Teaching kids the necessary skills to solve problems will not only benefit them today in self-discipline but will also work as a life skill in the years to come. Consider their opinion in moments of a crisis (problem for them). Do not readily go with the solution that you know is obvious. Ask them questions that will force them to think. You might be surprised to see how innovative they can be sometimes.
Model Self-Discipline
It is no secret that kids do what adults around them show them to do. They are the best mimics and they absorb what is done around them. Thus, while trying to teach self-discipline to kids, make sure you’re setting enough noticeable examples of self-discipline in yourself. Highlight them wisely in front of your kids if need be. This will help them learn faster and encourage them to be as self-disciplined as you are.
Reward Good Behavior
Rewarding goodness has been one of the most predominant acts of encouragement in the human society. Rewards need not necessarily be something that’s of high monetary value. A simple act of love and affection can also be a reward. What needs to be kept in mind here is that rewards shouldn’t be too frequent for kids as that may become a habit.
At MS Dhoni Global School, we incorporate maximum measures to ensure that students absorb self-discipline abilities. It is our concern to help them evolve as smart and responsible individuals.